AJ Pride

AJ Pride

Sunday, May 25, 2014


This is the same blog from before. The only thing that's different is that this is one is dedicated to AJ videos. Not on YouTube, or on Weebly. The rest of the blog is going on Weebly.

It's called


go check it out!

I have a new site (almost) up!

I have a new site that's almost published! Don't worry, I'm still going to continue this, but mostly bc I can post free videos without YouTube. The site is going to be called


Yes, I'm using Weebly.

So thanks!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

I've changed it completely

So the AJMV...
I've changed the song. Just an update, the song is secret, I'm working on it now, but it won't be done soon. I don't know the release date either, and know it's pretty bad work.\

See ya!


Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm not quitting Animal Jam guys. I'm still going to be here! Not on Animal Jam tho. I'm on the iPad right now and you can't get Animal Jam on it. I'm not able to get to the computer. Sorry guys.

Plz tell me in the comments or jamaagram me which song u want for an Animal Jam Music Video

Here are the choices (Updated)
~ Pompeii (Bastille)
~ Team (Lorde)
~ Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics)
~ She Looks So Perfect (5 Seconds of Summer)
~ Best Day of My Life (American Authors)

not like this influences u or anything, but...


 Cya peeps!
~ Fruitypie1013

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Music Video?

Sup guys. I'm thinking of doing a music video. Which song do u wanna hear?

Pompeii (by Bastille)
Team (by Lorde)

Honestly, I wanna do Pompeii. Which one do u wanna hear?

Have a great spring break (I'm on spring break in LA)

~ Fruitypie1013

Friday, April 4, 2014

Please Enter my Giveaway.

It's been on since a while and I'm doubtful that people even look on here, though it know some of you do. (16 views today.) If you can please comment on my blogs.

Here's my giveaway: rare scary bat wings. Comment your name, status (nm/m), and reason why you want it.

That's it!
~ Fruitypie1013

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My Opinion on...

New blog series! I'm gonna give my opinion on something/someone on Animal Jam. Before I start, this isn't going to be a series where all I'm doing is showing hate, it's going to be me being honest with you and tell you my opinions. Tell me what I should talk about in the future, because this week I'm going to be focusing on Julian2AJ.

We all know that Julian2 is maybe the most famous jammer on Animal Jam and YouTube, but is he a jammer, or a scammer? I personally do not know. He created flash trading, but intended for a fun game with an okay purpose. He supports the idea of Animal Jam now just searching for money, instead of helping big cats. But he still does give the money to Animal Jam anyways. I'm not being a hater, I just don't know what to think of him. What do you think? Tell me.

That's it for now jammers!
~ Fruitypie1013

My Opinion on... Flash Trading

Flash Trading... Not very smart...
Unless you want to get rid of UNWANTED items, then I wouldn't suggest doing it. I'm told that Julian2 created it. I saw a few videos and I'm not sure what I think of it. I suppose your supposed to retrace to get your items back, but there are some untrustworthy people on the internet these days, so I'd watch your back.

This is a short post telling you guys it's a good idea to stay away from flash trading unless you do it with IRL or very trusted friends. I personally would never go to a flash trade if I didn't know the people there very well.

Be safe guys!
~ Fruitypie1013


I'm typing this on my iPad right now because I haven't been able to get onto the computer lately, BUT I STILL WATCH YOUTUBE (by the way go check out nellastella and rosy30902's channels). This is more of a personal update than an Animal Jam update, but MY MEMEBERSHIP EXPIRED! I'm so sad, but there are a few other friends whose membership expired also. Crystal(I don't know the numbers) and rosy30902 (unless she got membership again). I'm sorry I haven't been able to go on Animal Jam. I'm sorta busy and taking a break at the same time, but no stress, I'm not quitting Animal Jam. If someone could supply my with one of the rare item Monday, that'd be great XD. But anyways, Animal Jam came out with a new pet! And eagle pet. (Gosh! Who would have guessed? Note the sarcasm) and also there's a new den, the Sol Arcade, in the diamond shop. Also in the diamond shop (gee it's like everything's in the diamond shop!) there's a new armor called the mystical armor. OH MY GOSH! EASTER'S ALMOST HERE, and I totally skipped April Fool's Day, and there's an Easter egg hunt in all of Jamaa. You can get the eggs to win a special prize, but I'll leave it up to you to find the eggs and the gift. (Maybe I'll do a tutorial, tell me). I think that's it for this update, and I hope to be on Animal Jam more often soon.

Happy Easter egg hunting!
~ Fruitypie1013 on Animal Jam

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hi guys! I might start doing videos. I'm doing a giveaway in the meantime. Rare Scary Bat Wings. Comment your username, status (member, nonmember), and reason. I'm thinking about taking a break from AJ. Some of my friends are thing about it, so I might also. Should I, or should I quit completely? Tell me.
 Doing a giveaway!!!!!! (Rare Scary Bat Wings; tell me your username, status, and reason.) I MIGHT TAKE A BREAK OR QUIT AJ. TELL ME IF I SHOULD. What if the claw comes back to the diamond shop? Like the cloud? Then all of my hard-work of getting rares, will be wasted. Too much drama, too much scamming, to much hacking. Y'know recycledbeards (fman122)? There's another reason! Should I quit or take a break or stay on? Also, please enter my giveaway! Comment or tell my on Animal Jam.

 ~ Fruitypie1013


Hiya Guys! It's Cake Time! While I'm talking about this, I'd like to make a shoutout to one of my friends! It's her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRYSTAL61996

KITCHEN!!!!! (It makes cakes!)
Here are the combo cakes!

Pink Flour+ Yellow Oil= Pink cake, white frosting, and pink sprinkles!

Pink Flour+ Green Oil= Purple cake, purple frosting, and pink sprinkles!

Blue Flour+ Yellow Oil= Yellowish cake (like vanilla), purple frosting, and pink sprinkles!

 Blue Flour+ Green Oil= Yellowish cake (like vanilla), white frosting, and pink sprinkles!

Ya know the cake secret? There's that black dot right? On AJ click the frosting (where the dot is) and there's a surprise!!!!!!! This only works on the second cake, unfortunately.

There you have it! A cake filled post just for you!
 ~ Fruitypie1013


No I'm not talking about brendagb, of course not! Apparently my sister has another sister. She told me someone scammed her headdresses (yes more than one), and told me to send her rares. OK, I'm not dumb (I made a whole post about that) and of course I'm not sending her rares, even if she's my half sister. I only send things to people I know and trust; mainly people I know in real life. So I know I've been rambling, but anyways she told me this, and later on, I see her wearing the EXACT SAME HEADDRESSES that she used to have! So now I complain to my sister, brendagb, and crystle11magic gets all innocent-like. She said I didn't do that! I would never scam family! (Of course she ATTEMPTED to, so now we don't really like each other...)

Stay classy Jammers!
~ Fruitypie1013

PS Nellastella's sister doesn't like me D:

 Scammer ALERT!
Someone trying to trade a fox hat for only a torch????? (tiglilly)


So here is a code that DOESN'T work...  AMUR

Someone gave me a code, and I decided I would try it, just in case. Jkatniss gave me the code, then left. I buddied her several times, and she deleted me a lot too. I told her she wasn't nice, then never heard from her again...

Mean Person's User: Jkatniss

So that's it Jammers!
~ Fruitypie1013

Monday, February 24, 2014


Hi peeps! I'm sorry I haven't been doing very many RIM posts, but here it is for today :O

Today's rare is...

RARE Steampunk Monocle (Black)

It is a regular-looking steampunk monocle, but instead of a regular glass, it's a phantom.

Here is a picture of the normal monocle:

Here is a picture of the RARE monocle:
See? A phantom eye! (Or so it reminds me of)

Buy it today! And see ya later!

~ Fruitypie1013

PS Sorry no post for yesterday, didn't take picture either, but the rare was a rare blanket, I have more, just contact me and we'll trade. It's pink and purple with a blue border.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Remember this guy?

Well my friend found out the really simple password for this account, and now you can use it! (Since the password is so easy, I assume it is another account for people to use.)

User: wolfhe
Password: flower

*NOTE: This is not under my email so this isn't really mine.

Under my email:

Username: CaliDreaming
Password (as written): P10n33rP4l5

Username: LuckilyImAlive
Password (as written): H4ppyd4y5

*NOTE: If any of these accounts are abused, I will take them away immediately.
 Play nice, use kind words, and report mean/bad jammers. Don't act inappropriately, cheat, steal, or scam, or give out personal info. If any rares do go onto these accounts, then keep them there. I will check up on these accounts every so often to see how it is.

If you want your own account, please tell me in the comments, and I will make one for you.


~ Fruitypie1013

Rare Person or a Scammer?

Hi guys, I recently came across a REALLY rare person. I don't know how the got so rare, but maybe they're from beta days. One of my friend suggests that it might be a scammer. I don't know.

So yeah. That's RARE. I have the claw, but that's it, really, besides the rainbow cloud.

WOW. Do you know anyone that rare?

~ Fruitypie1013

Someone Thinks I am Stupid...

WOW. Someone is trying to be a famous-jammer identity thief. Wolfhe claimed to be my rare friend, nellastella, but I'm not stupid. Thankfully, nellastella did come on, and he logged off. Beware of this jammer guys. Don't believe him. He came back, and was super-rude.

Username: Wolfhe

Scamming in AJ

So I've talked about scamming before, but now I have pictures! Look here every so often, and find another scam to avoid!

This is the "It's my b-day, send me stuff" scam (Coral Canyons):

Weird AJ Names

Here are some people with weird names I've seen in AJ. (#screenshots) LOL.

1.) Handsome Speedyrhino (Funny story here, when I was a nonmember I wanted to get a bunny, so I did. The game glitched out and my bunny's name turned out to be Sir Speedyrhino istead of Blossom Clevermoon. Of course, after a good laugh I had wanted to change it back. So RIP Sir Speedyrhino!)

2.) Sir Gassyfox

3.) Darling Frozenpuppy (not as funny, but it's not frozen either o.O)


~ Fruitypie1013


I will give a tutorial on how to do this soon. It is a glitch in Canyons Pathway, a sorta secret place between Canyon Coral and Crystal Sands.

See ya!

~ Fruitypie1013

Sorta Secret Thing

Hi guys!
 Today I'll be showing the sorta secret thing on the hot cocoa machine.


But anyways, my friend has one in her den:
 (It's in nellastella's den)

So anyways, when you begin, it starts like this, the lever is in the middle (yellow, meaning its warm):
It looks like this, with a regular amount of steam:

When you move the lever upwards (red, meaning it's hot), then it make the steam larger, with the illusion that it is hotter.

 This is what it looks like, with larger steam "line" thingy:

  Now if you move the lever down (green, meaning it cooler), then no steam appears, making it seem like it is cold:

This is what it looks like, with no steam:

So yeah! That's it! I'm not very sure if a lotta people know this, but here it is! I hope you guys like this picture-filled post today! Maybe I'll do more. 

See ya in Jamaa guys!
~ Fruitypie1013

Friday, February 21, 2014

If ya live in a hole

AHH I HIT MY FUNNYBONE! Nevermind.... Sorry guys, haven't been on in a while (if anyone actually reads this.... plz comment if you do).

Unless you live in a hole (hence the title) then EAGLES ARE HERE!!!! (BTW, I totally predicted it... Look at my other posts.)

Animal Jam HQ really messed up this time (if ya know what I mean). SERIOUSLY, WHY PUT IT IN THE DIAMOND SHOP????

But anyways, it looks really cool. You can fly ANYWHERE. Even where normal animals cannot. AKA out of boundaries.

I want one sooooo badly. D:

Bye bye guys!

~ Fruitypie1013

This isn't much great news but....


Sorry 'bout that, I HAD to tell someone....

~ Fruitypie1013

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Since some people cannot get access to National Geographic Kids magazines, here are some featured codes you can find:

- 2014

I) 2013
 - August
II) 2014
 - February



Animal Jam Major Update!

YAY!!! NEW UPDATE! This one is almost the biggest update so far. New tabs in the map (left bottom), "Welcome to Jamaa" guide (in options), and CHAT MODIFICATIONS! :O

The tabs are for the adventures and epic dens. They're in the bottom left corner. The phantom and the portal symbol for adventures, and the den symbolizes the epic dens.

The "Welcome to Jamaa" guide is for people who want to know how to play or recap how to play Animal Jam, or just wanna see what it is.

I'm so sad about this update :(. Now you are unable to write these symbols (YES ITS FOR SAFE CHAT!!!). Here are the symbols (separated by "I"):

I  ~
I  @
I  !!! (no more than 2 exclamations)  INCORRECT THEY JUST CHANGED THAT
I  !YES! (can't write anything after exclamations) SADLY STILL CORRECT
I  ... (no more than 1 period) INCORRECT THEY CHANGED THAT
I  ... OK (can't write anything after period) SADLY STILL CORRECT
I  -
I  _
I  `
I  #
I  $
I  %
I  ^
I  &
I  +
I  =
I  {
I  [
I  }
I  ]
I  \
I  |
I  ;
I  "
I  <
I  >
I  /
I  ?? (no more than one question mark) INCORRECT THEY CHANGED THAT
I  ? wut (can't write after a question mark) SADLY STILL CORRECT

That is it!!!

See ya in Jamaa! Bye!

~ Fruitypie1013

PS. AJHQ also changed so now there is no copy and pasting messages. How sad! :(

Monday, February 3, 2014


Hi guys! As you may know, today;s rare item is... RARE GARDENING HAT! Unfortunately, this item is for members only. It costs 800 gems, and is a pale yellow, with lavender flowers. Buy this deal today, guys! You might regret forgetting to buy this one and only change for the hat!!!!

See ya Jammers!

~ Fruitypie1013

(PS the week after that, 2/10/14 was rare friendship bracelet [contact me if you want one] and the week after that's, 2/17/14, was a rare hat and corkscrew wing [again, contact me if you want one])

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Why do people scam? They want to be rare. How sad.

On a serious note, don't scam! Here are some common scams I've seen before

~ "Send me something and I'll send something back!" (like rares)
~ "Send me rares, it's my birthday!"
~ "Click the pillow!" (This is flash trading)
~ "Best trade wins my outfit!"

A few I saw today are:

~ "Give me rares, cuz or else AJHQ is gonna kick me off of AJ!" (or something similar)
 "I'm Peyten Manning!!!!!" (that's continued from above)
~ "Send me headdresses! When I'm done with them I'll give them back!"

WOW. Talk about needy and pathetic! I'm serious. DON'T SCAM! It's annoying. Tell me other scams you've seen before in Jamaa.

Well Jammers, have a good day!

~ Fruitypie1013

New Animal?

Everyone's wondering: What's the feather in the Jamaa Journal, and few people know.

Think about it.... In the Journal it says Coming Soon

Here's the article:

Excited for the new 
Animal that will soon be
Gliding into Jamaa? It wont' be too
Long until these
Extremely awesome and
Super cool animals will arrive!

Suspicious, right? Broken down so specifically.

You know? I love ACROSTIC POEMS, such as


AHEM! It's eagles! You see in the article? It's an acrostic poem!

So that's it from here, and look out for this super cool animal soon!



Hi guys! I'm fruitypie1013, and this is my newborn blog XD. You can probably tell this is about Animal Jam, so... yeah. I'm going to be showing you secrets, glitches, updates, maybe a few codes, and lots of random AJ stuff.

Here is me:
And here is my Artic Wolf:

About me: I am a beta, friendly, and got scammed 2 times. One for my long spiked collar, and one for a Bubbletron3000. Luckily, I still protect my RARE (not the one in the diamond shop) rainbow cloud, and claw. I have one sister: brendagb, and no mom, dad, brother, or pet. Ask me if you want to be one!

xZSilverbreezeZx was kind enough to soptlight me in her blog, Animal Jam Spotlight and Updates.

Here's her post:


Fruitypie!!!! The friend of the week, the kind one, the beta girl. The one who never scams, the one who rebuilds her life when she gets scammed, the one with the rare claw. Cheers to Fruitypie, Jammer and friend of the week!

Check out her blog at: http://animaljamspotlightandupdates.blogspot.com/

Hope you enjoy this blog!

For any jammer-wanna-be's click this link below to go to Animal Jam's website.


See ya in Jamaa!

~ Fruitypie1013