AJ Pride

AJ Pride

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Hi guys! I'm fruitypie1013, and this is my newborn blog XD. You can probably tell this is about Animal Jam, so... yeah. I'm going to be showing you secrets, glitches, updates, maybe a few codes, and lots of random AJ stuff.

Here is me:
And here is my Artic Wolf:

About me: I am a beta, friendly, and got scammed 2 times. One for my long spiked collar, and one for a Bubbletron3000. Luckily, I still protect my RARE (not the one in the diamond shop) rainbow cloud, and claw. I have one sister: brendagb, and no mom, dad, brother, or pet. Ask me if you want to be one!

xZSilverbreezeZx was kind enough to soptlight me in her blog, Animal Jam Spotlight and Updates.

Here's her post:


Fruitypie!!!! The friend of the week, the kind one, the beta girl. The one who never scams, the one who rebuilds her life when she gets scammed, the one with the rare claw. Cheers to Fruitypie, Jammer and friend of the week!

Check out her blog at: http://animaljamspotlightandupdates.blogspot.com/

Hope you enjoy this blog!

For any jammer-wanna-be's click this link below to go to Animal Jam's website.


See ya in Jamaa!

~ Fruitypie1013

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